Current Projects

Vessel Cat Nap
Cape Dory 36

Vessel Cat Nap came for extensive varnish work. Many pieces have been removed from vessel for comprehensive sealing along with rebeding. We performed a replacement of multiple sea cocks and supporting hosting and clamps, as well as upgrades to domestic water system with larger stainless steel hot water heater system and cockpit shower.

We replaced and reconfigured steering pedestal, grab rail and NavPad. We redesigned primary DC Power Supply and battery cables, along with switching and protection for primary DC system and increasing the battery bank. Also, we have provided rudder repair and installed a very nice set of bronze bow rollers, greatly improving handling of ground tackle.

Varnish "Before"

Varnish "After"

Click on the link below to see more photos of Cat Nap:

Cat Nap Continued

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