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Vessel Whisper
Saber 28

List of work:
Vessel Whisper, 1974 Saber 28, came in for a complete re-rig. Vessel suffered failure of main mast step. The thirty year old aluminum casting broke and is no longer available. After extensive exploration for replacement, we found it necessary to fabricate a replacement from scratch.
All standing and running rig were renewed, spinnaker Halyard and topping lift were added for future addition of spinnaker to vessel. Along with this we rewired the mast, adding a new steaming/fore deck light, plus a new Orca Green Marine LED mast head tricolor/ anchor/ strobe mast head light. Added Metz VHF antenna and new windex. Replaced water tight deck fittings and offered technical assistance to owner in his repairs.

We have also custom fabricated new teak handrails of great substance and provided all necessary fastening plugs and finishes for owner to finish and install handrails.

Previously we have provided support for this vessel doing canvas work.

Vessel Whisper

Vessel Whisper Continued

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